Thursday 17 January 2013

Could've, Would've, Should've....

So here's another one. Don't accuse me of writing a sad one... that's where my thoughts take me! :P At least I'm being brave and putting it up now! Don't complain, shush and read!

Disclaimer: I just wrote this last night and haven't re-read or edited or changed it a bit. So, sorry if this isn't exactly the best-framed thing ever!

I was born
flinched at, gasped at
but then i gave
Much more than I could
Much more than I should

I finally broke, submitted myself
Breathed in manner
But I felt sapped
In more ways than I could
In more ways than I should

And then rebellion happened
Bottled; I screamed, I had woken up
I thought, I realised and I learned about myself
I heard myself
More than I should
More than people would

So I held back next time
As i reminded myself it was unbecoming
I would give as much as I was given
It was decided; but my heart yearned
For more than it should
For more than I could

And then there was light
I felt warm
But seasons change and I realised
that I had leaped fast and expected
more than I would
more than I should

And I stand here again
knowing that I can still choose
But somehow I want to be happy
By choosing to give
Much more than I should
Much more than I should

So how did you like it? Feel free to leave a comment! :)
p.s. be nice to this little amateur! :D