Saturday, 22 November 2014

About The Quiet Riot

I began this blog in 2012 at my friend's persuasion who began her own blog and it seemed like a fun idea. From the beginning, it was clear to me that I did not want it to be a documentation of my everyday life because that would be replicating a boring life. Not kidding. So what could I really use?

I had an imagination.

That worked perfectly. So, here I was creating posts that would be best described as random. Imagination eluded me a lot of times so I ended up giving opinions. Random things again. Since then, I decided this needed to change.

The Quiet Riot shall now be a blog that talks about three things I do, love and can claim to know something about: Read, watch movies and TV shows and Travel.

Why stick with the name "The Quiet Riot"? I want to because I have always been the quiet riot. The idea of the blog is not give an expert criticism or commentary on anything. We shall leave that to the stalwarts of each of these fields and currently, I am not one. I shall utilise my layman status to be the vantage point that helps you, my reader, see, understand, and maybe even develop and interest in.

My previous posts shall remain. The past has ways of catching up with its owner so I don't want to run away from mine. It shall be neatly documented under "Idiosyncrasy".  I did like some of the things that I posted and I hope you can go through those. Here are the link to my favourites:
*Word of caution: I just really like these. Not boasting about writing skills*

  1. Coffee Beans
  2. Blank Verse
  3. Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?
*Yes, I'm self-critical.*

There shall obviously be more posts there every time I indulge myself with whatever kind of armchair philosophy I may wish to ponder upon through writing.

I hope this is a successful effort. Nevertheless, I'm not giving up on this virtual space.

Stay with me?


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