Friday, 9 May 2014

The Women I Found

We talk a lot about strong women and their ideals and feats in this world. I am amazed what women are doing in this world today for themselves. But if I were to look for examples to look up to, I don't have to look far.
I'm proud that I have such a great group of friends who talk about everything; from life to hard work to relationships and boys and dreams and ambitions but most importantly: they're such a liberated set of women in so many ways.

"No girl needs a boy, and there's nothing wrong in wanting one."
"Being able to take care of yourself when you grow up is not about the fact that a husband can do it better for you, but that you can do it just as well and better."
"They're doing anything and everything that interests them and which they're good at. I want to have that life, too, and I know I can. I just have to work hard for it right now, in college."

I'm so proud of you, women. Not because I'm supposed to be for you're my friends; but because you're all the kind of people who give me a reason to be proud of you for who you are!

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