Thursday, 17 January 2013

Could've, Would've, Should've....

So here's another one. Don't accuse me of writing a sad one... that's where my thoughts take me! :P At least I'm being brave and putting it up now! Don't complain, shush and read!

Disclaimer: I just wrote this last night and haven't re-read or edited or changed it a bit. So, sorry if this isn't exactly the best-framed thing ever!

I was born
flinched at, gasped at
but then i gave
Much more than I could
Much more than I should

I finally broke, submitted myself
Breathed in manner
But I felt sapped
In more ways than I could
In more ways than I should

And then rebellion happened
Bottled; I screamed, I had woken up
I thought, I realised and I learned about myself
I heard myself
More than I should
More than people would

So I held back next time
As i reminded myself it was unbecoming
I would give as much as I was given
It was decided; but my heart yearned
For more than it should
For more than I could

And then there was light
I felt warm
But seasons change and I realised
that I had leaped fast and expected
more than I would
more than I should

And I stand here again
knowing that I can still choose
But somehow I want to be happy
By choosing to give
Much more than I should
Much more than I should

So how did you like it? Feel free to leave a comment! :)
p.s. be nice to this little amateur! :D


  1. Words are not just words rather they carry a story with themselves, a story of the person who wrote those words and evertime I read a new person I am keen to know them more, to know their story. What you wrote carries a deeper color, a thought that must have sprang up from tangled nerves of your head. That holds much significance.
    Keep Writing.

    1. Thanks Yash!
      Yes, you're right and that was well said. Words always carry a story with colors that run inexplicably deep.
      Thanks again for your encouragement :)


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